Extracts of vine shoots: vegetable raw material, extraction methods, quantification and applications
02.11.2020The MDPI revue, with the article "Grapevine Cane Extracts: Raw Plant Material, Extraction Methods, Quantification, and Applications", presents an in-depth study of the composition and concentration of stilbene in vine shoots, which are generally not valorised viticultural co-products.
Different methods of extracting stilbenes from vine shoots were reviewed, and the extraction conditions were also studied, highlighting the advantages and disadvantages of each technique. The extracted stilbenes were then analysed to determine stilbene composition and concentration.
Stilbene extracts have applications in several fields depending on their properties. The five most relevant applications here are preservatives, antifungals, insecticides and biostimulants.
More information
Source : IAR Tremplin, Extraits de sarments de vignes : matière première végétale, méthodes d'extraction, quantification et applications, August 2020
Photo taken by ©Delphy for the AgriWasteValue project