Workshop AgriWasteValue - Composés phénoliques : sourcing innovant & effets santé
This workshop is organised within the framework of the Interreg Europe North West project - AgriWasteValue - which aims to transform agricultural residues from the North West European regions into bioactive compounds for use in key industrial sectors such as cosmetics and nutraceuticals, and then in a second phase in the energy, chemical and agricultural sectors.
This event will be an opportunity to present the AgriWasteValue project and its results (the project is in its final year) but also to discuss the issues and the state of research around phenolic compounds (sourcing, biological activities...).
Webinar in French, organised by Eurasanté/Clubster NSL
- Introduction and presentation of the AgriWasteValue project
- Valorization of agricultural residues into bioactive ingredients for the nutraceutical and cosmetic sectors - Strategies developed in the AgriWasteValue and Phenolexa projects by Job Tchoumtchoua, PhD, Project Leader Biomass valorization platform Extraction Department at Celabor
- Supplementing one's diet to reach 5 fruits and vegetables: the solution with Oxxynea®, polyphenol concentrate by Julien Cases, Director of Innovation & Scientific Affairs at Fytexia
- Industrial biotechnologies applied to the valorisation of agricultural and food co-products by Renato Froidevaux, Lecturer - University of Lille, UMRT BioEcoAgro
Practical information
- Date : March 24, 2022, 11am - 12:30pm
- Webinar - online
- More information and registration

An event organized in the framework of the Interreg NWE project AgriWasteValue and with the support of the ERDF and Wallonia.